RRB Exma Re-Scheduled (28 March)

Dear Candidates

This is inform you that RRB Exam Scheduled on 28 March 2016 Shift(12:00 - 2:30) has been Rescheduled. Information of the new exam date will be posted on RRB Website. Candidates keep checking RRB Website for New Admit Card any other information regarding exam.


G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam (3rd Shift)

1) Thomas Cup Related to ?

Answer: Badminton

2) Dadasaheb phalke award 2015

Answer: Sashi Kapur

3) Colour Of octopus blood?

Answer: Blue

4) Other name of chanakya?

Answer: Kautilya, vishnu guptha

5) 2014 miss universe?

Answer: Palunana vega (Colombiya)

6) which metal is noble?

Answer: Gold

7) Who has given Droncharya award 2015?

Answer: Naval Singh, Anup singh, Harbans singh, Swatantar raj,Singh nihar Ameen

8) Elephanta Caves Situated in ?

Answer: Raigad (Dist) Maharastra

9) Biggest Mammal?

Answer: Blue whale

10) Who invented bramh samaj?

Answer: Raj Ram Mohan Rai

11) Rial is currency of which country?

Answer: Soudi Arabia

12) Which river originates from western ghat?

Answer: Kaveri

13) which city of Australia densely populated

Answer: Sydney

14) Other name of chanakya?

Answer:Vishnu gupta, Kautilya

15) Earths water cycle powered by?

Answer: Sun

16) Energy of sun by which process?

Answer: Nuclear fusion

17) 20 equinox means?

Answer: 20 Faces

18) Father of rabindra nath Tagore ?

Answer: Debendranath tagore

19) Titanic belongs to which country?

Answer: UK And Ireland

20) Indian Institute of science situated at?

Answer: Bangalore

21) Current Chief Justice India?

Answer: T. S. Thakur

22) Oscar for best animated feature film 2015?

Answer: Big Hero 6

23) New name of Bharatpur National Park?

Answer: Keoladeo Ghana National Park

24.real currecncy of which country?

Answer: Brazil

25.Ongc hq?


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1 comment:

  1. Dear reader
    Please don't get confused by the Notification of RRB. The yesterday's RRB exam of 2nd shift is cancelled only for 2 exam centers i.e. Center No. 8040 and 8041.
    So, the paper would be rescheduled for only those candidates who gave exam yesterday at 2nd shift and at the above mentioned centers.
    So don't get confused by this thing.
