Study Notes Reasoning

Blood Relation

Here we are with clear and detail concept of Blood Relation:
·        Blood Relation is a must do part in exam. As it may come for 5 marks and you know every mark is important.
·        In Blood Relation Question certain information is given about the members of the family. Based on that information you need to find out the relationship between particular member of the family.
·        Now, take a look at below given “Generation Table” which will help you to understand the different relationship.
Three generations above
Great grandfather,
Maternal great Grandfather, Great Grandfather-in-law
Great Grandmother,
Maternal great Grandmother,
Great Grandmother-in-law
Two generations above
One generation above
Father, Uncle Maternal Uncle Father-in-law
Mother, Aunt, Maternal Aunt Mother-in-law
Current Generation (self)
Husband, Brother Cousin, Brother – in – law
Wife, Sister, Cousin, Sister-in-law
One generation below -
Son Nephew
Daughter Niece
Two generations below - -
Three generations below ---

For more clarification, we are presenting the relation in two different forms:
1.Relations of paternal side:
    I.        Father’s Father – Grandfather
  II.        Father’s Mother – Grandmother
III.        Father’s Brother – Uncle
IV.        Father’s Sister – Aunt
  V.        Children of Uncle – cousin
VI.        Wife of Uncle – Aunt
VII.        Children of Aunt – cousin
VIII.        Husband of Aunt – Uncle

2. Relations of maternal side:
    I.        Mother’s Father – Maternal Grandfather
  II.        Mother’s Mother – Maternal Grandmother
III.        Mother’s Brother – Maternal Uncle
IV.        Mother’s Sister – Aunt
  V.        Children of Maternal Uncle – Cousin
VI.        Wife of Maternal uncle – Maternal Aunt
The solve questions of Blood Relations easily, you can take help of “Generation Tree”.
Different pictorial from which are used to define the relationship among them.

From given generation tree we can deduce some important relationship between family members:
1.   A is Father of C, E and D
2.   B is Mother of C, E and D
3.   F is Brother of A
4.   F is Brother in law of B
5.   A is Husband of B
6.   B is Wife of A
7.   F is Uncle of E, C and D
8.   C and E are Son of A and
9.   D is Daughter of A and B
10.               D is Sister of E and C
11.               E is Brother of C and D
12.               C is Brother of E and D
13.               A is Grandfather of G
14.               B is Grandmother of G
15.               G is Granddaughter of A and B

Now we are providing some dialogue or conversation based relations which will make your concept more clear and you will be able to solve dialogue based questions within second.
1.     My mother’s or father’s son is my Brother
2.     My mother’s or father’s daughter is my Sister
3.     My Mother’s  or Father’s father is my Grandfather.
4.     My Mother’s or Father’s Sister is my Aunt.
5.     My Mother’s or Father’s Brother is my Uncle.
6.     My Son’s wife is my daughter-in-law.
7.     My daughter’s husband is my Son-in-law.
8.     My brother’s son is my Nephew.
9.     My brothers daughter is my Niece.
10.                       My Sister’s husband is my brother-in-law.
11.                       My brother’s wife is my sister-in-law.
12.                       My husband’s sister is my sister-in-law.
13.                       My husband’s brother is my brother-in-law.
14.                       My uncle’s or Aunt son or daughter is my cousin.
15.                       My wife’s mother or husband’s mother is my mother-in-law.
16.                       My father’s wife is my mother.
17.                       My mother husband is my father.
18.                       My mother’s husband is my father.
19.                       My son’s or daughter’s son is my Grandson.
20.                       My son’s or daughter daughter is my Granddaughter.

Types of questions asked from Blood Relations:
1.   Based on Dialogue or Conversation
2.   Based on Puzzles
3.   Based on Symbolically coded

Based on Conversation ro Dialogue-
In this type of questions, the one person talking to or doing chit-chat with other person giving information by pointing to some picture or person.
Example:- Pointing to a lady on the stage, Monika said, “She is the sister of the son of the wife of my husband.” How is the lady related to Monika?
Solution: Find who you can easily relate to and be that person-then go about creating one relation after another. In this question, be Monika-then start from the end of the sentence.
“My husband” = Monika’s husband
‘Wife of my husband’ = is me = Monika
‘Son of the wife of my husband’ = My Son
‘Sister of the Son of the wife of my Husband’ = My Son’s Sister = My daughter ‘She’ is the sister of the son of the wife of my husband’ = the lady on the stage = the lady being pointed out = my daughter.
So, lady on the stage is monika’s daughter.

Based on Puzzles:
In this type of question, you have to conclude the relations between two given person based on more than one information given in the question.

Example: A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the brother of D. F is the mother of E. H has only two children B and C. How is F related to E?
Solution: In this question, first we will drew the generations tree:

Based on Symbols:
In this type of question, information are coded in the form of symbols life D, #, $, %........etc.

Direction: Read the following information carefully and then answer the question given below:
a.      A D B means A is mother of B.
b.     A $ B means  A is sister of B.
c.      A * B means A is father of B.
d.     A # B means A is brother of B.
Questions: Which of the following means R is uncle of T?
(a)            R*P #SDQ$T                         
(b)            S * P # R * U # T
(c)            P*R$Q$S*T
(d)           P*R$Q$S*T
(e)            None of these
Solution: From option, C, We will get R is uncle of T.
We have given our best to make you understand the concept of ‘Blood Relation’. This chapter is a ‘Must do’ question. In every exam 3-5 questions come from this chapter. So, understand its concept and practice its questions. In our next edition we will provide the study notes of ‘Inequalities’   

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